
USA and Europe Internship and Training

4.0 Technologies including 3D Printing, AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing Technology, etc. Training/Internship/Placement Program in India, Europe and the USA

We offer Degree and Diploma Engineering college students (All Engineering branches including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Automobile, Mechatronics, Aeronautical, Architect, IT, Computer Application, Pharma, etc.) for Internship and Placement in the Americas and Europe in Technologies 4.0 including 3D Printing Technology, CAD Design, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Claud Computing, Machine to Machine, Advanced Robotics, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, RFID Technology, Cognitive Computing, Mobile Technology, Internet of Things, AR/VR, Automation, and more with major manufacturers and Corporations.

Stipend available for qualified and performance-based candidates up to US$2,000* a month
